Tag - The 6th Sense

Dah lama ku kena tag dengan Sanaa', junior masa kat UTM dulu. Baru arini sempat jawab :)

Go to your photos folder in your computer.
Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

Put the picture on your blog and a description of it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged

Dan inilah gambar yang kena..

Gambar ini diambil pada 11 Oktober 2008 masa jamuan sempena aidilfitri di rumah Zakiah dan Azizi. Masa ni aku tengah sarat mengandungkan Uwais dan tak sangka 5 hari lepas tu aku pun bersalin :)

Sekarang aku nak tag 6 orang lagi kenalan aku.

1. Hasmerya
2. Baiti
3. Huzai
4. Kak Pah
5. Kak Zahrah
6. Kak Jaslina


bAiTi said...

Aisey, Su.. kena tag sudah. Macam2 tahu2 jer nak mai blog Su, hehehe.. :P

Insya Allah, bila lapang sikit Baiti buat yer, hehehe..

Suhaila said...

Salam..tak pe..tag Baiti pun su lum jawab lagi..hehe